Rate of conviction in criminal cases in Pune is minuscule, 13 pc in Sessions Court


Pune: Shocking revelations have come to light that the rate of conviction and punishment in criminal cases is minuscule. Criminals were punished only in 18 pc cases in the JMFC courts while the percentage is 13 in the District Sessions Court.

The statistics indicate that though the police nab culprits, they fail in legal procedures.

Urbanisation grew in Pune after a big expansion in IT and transport sectors. Crime rose with the expanding city limits and the population grew manifold. However, with the increase in crime, the prosecution did not become strong. Though the police arrest criminals in registered offences, they fail in conviction and punishment.

If one reviews the cases in the past three years before the District Sessions Court and the JMFCs, only 15 pc and 10 pc accused were punished, respectively, in 2022.

In 2023, the rate was 17 pc and 4 pc, respectively. In 2024, the rate of punishment in the JMFC courts grew from 4 pc to 18 pc. However, it decreased from 17 pc to 13 pc in the Sessions Court, revealed the statistics provided by the Pune Police.

50 pc cases pending

There is a big gap between the number of cases registered in police stations and the number of verdicts announced. Under the Pune Police Commissionerate, 10,692, 11,974 and 12,954 cases were registered in 2022, 2023 and 2024, respectively. However, the number of verdicts in the JMFC Courts and the Sessions Courts were 6,204, 7,069 and 1,739 in the aforesaid years. That means a decision is pending in the courts or the police could not detect almost 50 pc cases.

Serious crimes

The number of cases registered at police stations across the city increased in 2024 as compared to 2023. CP Amitesh Kumar said, “While serious offences decreased, cases of cheating and cyber crime increased. In 2023, 11,974 cases were filed while 12,954 were registered in 2024, out of which the number of cheating cases was 2,021.”

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