More than average rainfall in June, July in the state! Low rainfall forecast in this area in next 2 months


Pune: Above average rainfall was recorded in June and July in the state, but less rain is expected in Vidarbha, Marathwada, and Khandesh in the next two months. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) predicted on Thursday, August 1, that Konkan and Central Maharashtra will receive average rainfall.

Director General of the IMD, Mrityunjay Mohapatra, announced the forecast for the second phase of the monsoon season and the forecast for August. He stated that the country recorded 1.8 percent above-average rainfall in June and July. South India received 18.4 percent below average rainfall, East and North-East India received 18.9 percent below average, while Central India received 16.8 percent above average. Notably, South India received 26.7 percent more rainfall than average.

For August and September, the IMD predicts average rainfall in most areas of Maharashtra. Most parts of the country are expected to receive above average rainfall during these months. However, less than average rainfall is forecasted for North East and neighboring East India, Ladakh, Saurashtra and Kutch, and some parts of Central India.

In August, the IMD predicted average rainfall for the country, but many parts of Vidarbha, Marathwada, and Khandesh in Maharashtra are likely to receive below average rainfall. Meanwhile, Konkan and Central Maharashtra are expected to experience average rainfall.

More Rain in July

The average rainfall for the country from June to July is 445.8 mm. This year, 453 mm of rain was recorded, which is 1.8 percent more than average. In June, the average rainfall was 165 mm, but only 147 mm was recorded, a 10 percent decrease. In contrast, July saw an average of 280 mm of rainfall, but the actual rainfall was 305 mm, 9 percent more than average.

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