Pune: Average rainfall likely from January to March in India: IMD

Pune: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted average rainfall of 88-112 pc during January-March in the country.
Minimum temperatures in the country are likely to remain above the average temperatures in January. That means cold weather conditions may be subdued. However, cold waves may hit north Maharashtra, Gujarat and western Madhya Pradesh for a longer period.
The IMD on Wednesday (January 1) released its predictions for rainfall during January-March and for rainfall and temperatures in January for the country. In January, minimum temperatures are likely to be above average, barring the eastern region of north-western India, the north region of central India and some parts of eastern India.
In Maharashtra, the lowest minimum temperature for the season was recorded in December. However, cold weather receded by the month end due to cloudy weather conditions and a lack of chilly winds blowing from the North.
There are indications of subdued cold weather conditions in January in most parts of the country. Therefore, temperatures are likely to remain higher than average temperatures for the month. In Maharashtra too, cold weather conditions are likely to be subdued, except for north Maharashtra.
An average rainfall of 88 pc to 112 pc may occur from January to March across the country. India usually receives an average rainfall of 69.7 mm during this period. Rainfall, during January-March, is higher in northern parts of the country. Maharashtra may get above-normal rainfall from January to March.
Currently, El Nino is in the ENSO neutral state in the Pacific Ocean. A La Nina condition is likely to prevail during January-March. In the Indian Ocean, Dipole (IOD) climatic pattern prevails currently, which may continue for some more months.