Pune Police Commissioner Clamps Down on Repeated Offenders: Over 100 Hardened Criminals Detained in a Year Under MPDA Act
In a significant action against troublemakers and recidivist accused in the city, the Pune Police Commissioner has detained more than 100 criminals in jail in the last year. All these actions have been taken against the accused who were involved in heinous crimes and terror activities in the district.
Amitesh Kumar has been appointed as Pune Police Commissioner on January 31, 2024. Immediately after taking the charge as Pune Police Commissioner, Amitesh Kumar implemented a strict policy of detaining hardened criminals under the Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities (MPDA) Act.
Within just one year of taking charge, Amitesh Kumar took action against 103 hardened criminals who had committed serious crimes such as attempted murder, extortion, grievous hurt, theft, vehicle vandalism, riots, illegal possession of firearms, weapons, and manufacturing and sale of country-made intoxicants, and creating terror and disrupting public order within the limits of various police stations, and detained them for one year in various jails in the state like Nagpur, Chandrapur, Akola, Amravati, Kolhapur, and Nashik.
To further harden the stance against habitual offenders, Amitesh Kumar started the MCOCA and MPDA cell to take strict action against the recidivist accused in the city. As per the rule, the PCB department needs to obtain records from time to time to take action against the accused under the MPDA Act. Initially, the information about the crimes of the concerned criminal in the last five years is collected, and action is taken against the accused as per the MPDA after taking a follow-up of necessary documents.
After verifying all the documents, the police commissioner takes action against the accused as per the MPDA Act and detains the criminal in any jail in the state for one year. Notably, within one year of joining as Pune Police Commissioner, Amitesh Kumar has taken action against more than 100 criminals under the MPDA Act. Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar said that stricter and more effective preventive action will be taken against the accused in the coming time to curb the activities of repeated offenders.
In this action, officers of MCOCA and MPDA cell, Amaldar, and staff of the surveillance team at the police station also helped Amitesh Kumar.