Pune: Rs 20 lakh fine collected from 2,633 citizens for violating traffic rules on New Year eve
Pune: The Traffic Police penalised 2,633 vehicle owners for violating traffic rules on the eve of New Year and recovered Rs 19,81,450.
The police warned that drunk driving would be dealt with strictly ahead of New year celebrations. Therefore, the number of drunk and drive cases was reduced. Only 85 violators were fined for drunk driving.
As many as 902 vehicle owners were punished for obstructing traffic. This was the first such action was taken in the city. As many as 632 commuters faced action for entering the opposite lane while riding a two-wheeler or driving a car. Action was also taken against 552 more commuters under various other sections of the Motor Vehicles Act. 176 citizens were found driving triple-seat.
Violating traffic rules
Obstructing free flow of traffic – 902, riding two-wheeler without the helmet – 23, jumping traffic signal – 118, entering one-way from wrong side – 632, without MDL – 23, halting on zebra crossing – 04, not wearing seatbelts – 10, auto men without uniform – 02, drunk and drive – 85, riding triple-seat – 176, using mobile phone while driving – 49, reckless driving – 56, other sections of Motor Vehicles Act – 552.