PWD launches mobile app to repair potholes in Pune city, district

Pune Potholes

Pune: Commuters are fed up with potholes on roads in and around the city. The Public Works Department (PWD) has tried to address the issue related to the roads built by them by launching a mobile app. One can lodge a complaint about potholes on the app.

How does it work?

After lodging a complaint on the app, officials concerned will come to know whether the road belongs to the department. If the road belongs to the PWD, then the complaint will be forwarded to the junior engineer concerned. They will also get the photo of potholes and repair will be done within the next three days.

Action will be taken

If the pothole is not repaired in time, the engineer concerned will face action. The PWD has built many roads on the periphery of the city and in the district. The app is useful for complaining about these roads.

Once a complainant posts a photo of a pothole on the app, they will get a reply whether the road is within the PWD jurisdiction. If yes, then the complaint will be forwarded for further action. It will be simultaneously sent to the junior engineer, deputy engineer and executive engineer. It is the responsibility of the junior engineer to repair a pothole within three days after receiving a complaint. If a pothole is not repaired even after lodging a complaint within three days, action will be taken against the junior engineer concerned.

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