Unique Experiment in Nimgaon Ketki Village in Indapur: Three-Storey Building is Being Relocated to Other Place Using Modern Technology

Palkhi Highway


An interesting experiment is happening in the Nimgaon Ketki village of Indapur, where Sanjay Mhetre, a resident of the village, is trying to relocate a 3600 square foot building 75 feet away from its current location with the help of modern technology. This is happening as Mhetre’s building is obstructing the route of the proposed Palkhi Highway, which is going through the village.

The said 23 x 43 feet building will cost Rs 16 lakh to lift and move 75 feet from its current location. This work has been given to contractor Mohanlal Darsal, a resident of Panipat, Haryana. As per the information, it will take around three months to move the three-storey building to another location.

Interestingly, the concerned contractor has made an affidavit on stamp paper stating that there will be no damage while shifting this building to another location.

So far, the building has been lifted four feet high with the help of jacks and moved thirty feet from its original position in two months. As this experiment is new for the villagers, they are gathering in large numbers to see it. Around 50 workers are working to move the building from its original location to another place, and approximately 250 jacks are being used for this purpose.

The cost of lifting this building is two hundred rupees per square foot and five hundred rupees per square foot to move it. The experiment of shifting this building has become a matter of curiosity for the villagers here.

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